Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance
Manage stock, warehouses, groups, variants, adjustments, transfer orders
Organize tasks, work with teams, track the time, and deliver on milestones
Create multiple pay calendars, and run payroll with print-ready payslips
Track every step of your customer journey, manage leads, pipelines
Expense Claims
Manage, review, and approve employee expenses on the go
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Merhabalar,Önce host üzerinde denedim aşağıda gördüğünüz sorunu aldım. Localde kurmayı düşündüm yine aynı hatayı veriyor. Dosyaları 2-3 kez indir...
hersey yolunda ama pasta grafikleri ve bütün grafikler gözükmüyor bu sorunu cözmek icin bir kac defa sunucuma yeniden kurdum ilk basta gözüküyor ama sonral...
Merhabalar kolay gelsin. Tabloda da görmüş olduğunuz gibi faturalar bölümünde faturanın tutarının yanında kalan tutarın veya ödenen tutarın miktarını ...
How can i add flat amount of tax in invoice. that is not calculate base on items. its fix amount or calculate base on sub_total. example, 1 . Items prices are 100 + 2. Shipping Ch...
Hi I am not sure what happened but the entire installation of Akaunting was gone meaning deleted. My database though has all the data but the data is not being picked up after fresh ins...
Arkadaşlar sadece ben mi yaşıyorum bilmiyorum ama iphone safariden kendi hostingime kurulu akauntinge girmeye çalıştığımda "Safari çok fazla yönlendirme yapıldığı i&cced...
Hello there. I am testing this software, and so far seems good, but I have no idea how to manage sallary. For now I added to Payments. Any Idea?
Hello, I am facing some issues into dingo API when i get or post data of Customers/Items and its work at when i develop the code but after i clear :cache its give me below error. some times it autom...
Hi, How can I batch delete items or update the prices with a %? I imported 300+ items but the performance is bad when selecting a item on a invoice. Thanks
Please add feature voucher
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