Announcing $100K Apps Fund

Announcing $100K Apps Fund

We invest in developers solving difficult problems by using Laravel. Here’s why. At Akaunting, we aimed for an ecosystem where developers, translators, and other service providers work together to form solutions that help freelancers and SMBs. The...

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Why You Should Use Contracts in Your Small Business

Why You Should Use Contracts in Your Small Business

In businesses of all sizes, it’s essential to ensure everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet. We automatically expect large corporations to use complex legal documents. Still, often smaller business owners don’t bother, and this is a mistake....

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The Importance of Backup and Restore

The Importance of Backup and Restore

The unthinkable has happened; all of your accounting data has been accidentally wiped! Now, what can you do? The only real option is to spend hours, days, or even weeks trying to input all the information again. This is just one reason why backing up your data...

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Best Small Business Trends in 2021

Best Small Business Trends in 2021

The Covid pandemic has seen winners and losers in the business world. Companies large and small have either profited or fallen by the wayside. So which businesses are thriving in the current economic climate and why? We’ll answer that question right here...

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The Importance of Making Budgets and Managing Your Expenses

The Importance of Making Budgets and Managing Your Expenses

Keeping your business afloat is often an ongoing struggle in today’s uncertain economy. One reason small business owners say their companies fail is running out of money. Some of the explanations for this can include poor cash flow, insufficient sales...

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How Digital Technology Has Altered the Way We Do Business

How Digital Technology Has Altered the Way We Do Business

In the early 1940s, when computer technology was in its infancy, it would have been hard to imagine the impact the digital age could have on the world. Not only our personal lives, but the face of business has now been changed forever. In this article, we will...

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How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Financial Scams and Fraud

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Financial Scams and Fraud

With the dramatic increase of online purchases globally and a general movement towards digital financial transactions of all kinds, cybercriminals are finding ever more sophisticated ways to take our money.  Consumers, both online and offline, are bein...

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