The Difference Between Bookkeeping and Accounting

The Difference Between Bookkeeping and Accounting

If you’ve ever been confused about the difference between bookkeeping and accounting, this article will help clear things up for you. There is a common misconception that bookkeeping and accounting are the same, which is not true. There are several key d...

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How Project Management Software can Increase Team Productivity

How Project Management Software can Increase Team Productivity

Team management software can increase team productivity in several ways. In this article, we will explore how it helps and how to use the Project pp in Akaunting. Time-Saving When projects are time-sensitive good team management software can make all the...

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Brand New Release: Akaunting 2.1

Brand New Release: Akaunting 2.1

It’s out with the old and in with the new! Here at Akaunting, we’d like to introduce you to our very latest version - Akaunting 2.1. Packed full of improvements and new features to make it even better and easier to use. We work nonstop to grow o...

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We've raised $500K funding!

We've raised $500K funding!

When you or your work are believed, things get easier. After raising $500K funding, we understand this once again, and with the strength of it, we wake up every morning loving our job even more. When we first launched Akaunting 3 years ago, the only thing w...

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Free Wave Alternative

Free Wave Alternative

While Wave is ending its operations outside the USA and Canada, many of the people are looking for another solution for their businesses. At this point, Akaunting welcomes its users as great and free accounting software. Do you have to be an accountant to u...

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It's a new dawn, new day, new version: Akaunting 2.0

It's a new dawn, new day, new version: Akaunting 2.0

Akaunting has been a great ride so far. When we first started to develop the early versions, we knew that we wanted to help you -the entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals who strive to build businesses- to focus on what matters for you to grow your...

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Just shipped > Akaunting 1.3

Just shipped > Akaunting 1.3

It's always exciting to meet with a new version of a software which brings lots of new features and improvements. And Akaunting 1.3 [Reconciliation] version is one of them because it brings tons of new features, improvements, changes and bug fixes. As o...

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