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Brand New Release: Akaunting 2.1

Brand New Release: Akaunting 2.1
It’s out with the old and in with the new! Here at Akaunting, we’d like to introduce you to our very latest version - Akaunting 2.1. Packed full of improvements and new features to make it even better and easier to use.

We work nonstop to grow our product, not only making technical enhancements but also those you’ve asked us for. After all, we’re a community-driven project, so we’re always listening to what you want from our software.

Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect from Akaunting 2.1.

Tax Types

You can now add multiple taxes while creating invoices and bills, or create a new one quickly on the same page.

Bills and Invoices

Many of you said you needed better editing features for bills/invoices within Akaunting. With this latest version, it’s easy. You can add vendors, customers, items, dates, etc., all while creating your document.

As the invoice template is generic for all business types, there are multiple titles to choose from in some of the fields. To improve this, we’ve changed to an accordion-style menu, so you don’t have to see all the titles simultaneously.

Other Changes and Additions

There are also some other changes to streamline your Akaunting experience:

  • A sales & purchases default category
  • Search and filter enhancements
  • Improvements to the file group template, including a drag and drop feature
  • Advancements for users with large amounts of data
  • Removal of icons from buttons

Updating to Akaunting 2.1

If you use the online cloud version of Akaunting, you won’t need to do anything to benefit from the latest upgrade. If you’re a self-hosted user and download the software to your device, then you’ll need to do a system update.

Updating is simple. First, we recommend backing up your data before starting. Next, click the Update Notification button (two arrows forming a circle) at the top right of your Akaunting screen. Now, you’ll be redirected to the “Updates” page. Full instructions can be found here.


New Users

If you’re not already using Akaunting, it's free accounting software designed for small businesses, here are a few great reasons why you might like it:

  • Easy-to-use 
  • Intuitive interface
  • Mobile, Tablet, and PC friendly
  • Multilingual admin & client panels
  • Designed for small businesses
  • Secure - retain 100% ownership of your financial data 


If you require help or advice about Akaunting, you can visit our support page, where you’ll find useful documents or dedicated assistance from one of our advisors. You can also join the Akaunting Forum, a support community with over 7k members and growing.


We hope the new Akaunting 2.1 version meets your needs. We promise to keep adding improvements, especially those suggested by you. If you have any ideas that may help to improve Akaunting, please let us know. You are our drive and our inspiration.



As we would like to celebrate the new version of Akaunting, there will be a 21% discount on all apps for 2 days.
