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Akaunting 2.1.32 update

Jeff Hintze   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

I'm not 100% sure but I think laravel will download the files from a central repository when you run that command. So that may explain why you couldn't find it. I'm glad it worked for you though. I'm not sure what that error means for all of us though. If there are some things that didn't update appropriately or if everything downloaded and updated correctly but the process just didn't close properly. But I have not run into any errors yet using the program, so fingers crossed, all is well.

Sikander Shahzad   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Open command prompt in Windows.
Go to the root of your Akaunting folder (the one that contains the .env and artisan file).
From there execute the command: php artisan update core 1 2.1.33

Treasurer GPCCA   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

This is my result. Seems no one else has this. I'm running the docker container so I entered via docker terminal so not sure what permissions that user has but apparently not enough.

$ php artisan update core 2 2.1.33
Downloading update...
mkdir(): Permission denied

Treasurer GPCCA   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Yes, I had wrong user on docker it command. Used with no user so would be root and upgrade worked

Jeffrey Darraugh   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

guys, mtry disabling plugins before update. I had similar issues and disabling the app "custom fields" let the updates happen. I re-enabled "custom fields" after updating

Ahmed   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

we should enable a php service on the server !

Oscar Dario Cuellar Hurtado   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, the command worked for me, I upgrade from 2.1.31 to 2.1.33

Brandon Pittam   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

New update still doing the same thing and hanging at 0%

Jeff Hintze   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Brandon, the update worked fine for me. Be sure to follow the previous instructions in this discussion to do your initial update from the command line and then the future updates will work. See the first comment for the initial instructions and then if you run into issues the rest of this discussion has good information how to solve those issues.

Addison Neill   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

after following these instructions to fix my last issue

I am able to access and update all my apps from my UI. I can expense and add invoices no problem then log out. However as soon as I attempt to log back in later I get a 500 after putting my creds in. (log in page loads fine)

here is the offending log entry from apache2 logs
[date and time stamp] [authz_core:error] [pid 110996] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/.env

this error seems to stop and go away if I run the update command which is
php artisan update core 1 2.1.33
but again if I log out and back in this problem re-occurs... everytime

any help on this would be greatly appreciated

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