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Error install Modules

Tiago Cruz   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Status: 419 unknown status
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.3.21
Cache-Control: no-cache, private
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 2020 12:51:31 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Set-Cookie: netic_session=eyJpdiI6IkJFUXZSVTN0MGt4VldEaW9jM3NEbVE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiU1ZIdHdmaWhRZFcxWXNoUk9IMDZTSUczWStjQ1ZhRUprVUV2L3BiQk5BZWd5YU8wU2VTZTlwRHMycE9CNEtWbEZlYkRQYjhxTisrZVRCUHYzekNFVm1rRm5SZzNFT2FDRDZ3Qk9QK3FIZ253S3gvc0doOUQ0bThuYzNRSTJGRzMiLCJtYWMiOiIwMThjNzQyZmJmZTljOGYyNzQwZDQzZDFhZDIzZmFjZjYyZDhmM2Y5NzdmMThmNGY3YzQ1YjViNzMwZjU5NGZkIn0%3D; expires=Tue, 08-Sep-2020 13:21:31 GMT; Max-Age=1800; path=/; httponly; samesite=lax

message: CSRF token mismatch.

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 4 years ago

Where do you get that?

Tiago Cruz   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Instalations new modules

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 4 years ago

Anything in storage/logs folder?

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