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I want add some new menu

Akash Ahammad   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Thanks for viewing. 

I love this apps. It's really a good work. I am also a mid level laravel developer. I wana add a new menu to the app. 

Here is what i did. 

 // items and invwentory sections

            if ($user->can(['read-common-items', 'create-invoice-location'])) {

                $menu->dropdown(trans_choice('general.items_inventory', 1), function ($sub) use($user, $attr) {

                    if ($user->can('read-common-items')) {

                        $sub->url('common/items', trans_choice('general.items', 2), 1, $attr);



                    if ($user->can('create-invoice-location')) {

                        $sub->url('common/locations', trans_choice('general.location', 1), 2, $attr);


                }, 2, [

                    'title' => trans_choice('general.items_inventory', 2),

                    'icon' => 'fa fa-gift',



            //end of items and inventory sections

I also grant the permission to the user(With admin role)

I will be glad if anyone helps me. 

Note: I am just doing it for practice perpose. No comercial uses. I wanna learn. 

Akash Ahammad   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Sorry i haven't mentioned where is the problem. The problem is when i click on those perticuller menu it's not letting me in. It's redirect me back to the dasbord(Previous rout)

Batuhan Baş   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Akash,

Firstly sorry about that because i delete our comments because i missed say something about Akaunting, if you really want customize your Akaunting you write code in Module structure otherwise everything is dissapear new update.

Please check it out;

From here you create easily with Laravel for your sepesific module.

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