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$bulk_actions is undefined

Juan Zarolas   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

I'm installing a custom module based on my-blog module repository ( I have a similar page to posts.index where I want to show the BulkActions.

When I add the line:

{{ Form::bulkActionRowGroup('', $bulk_actions, ['group' => 'my-module', 'type' => 'companies']) }}


I got the following error:

Undefined variable: bulk_actions (View: /var/www/html/modules/MyModule/Resources/views/index.blade.php)

Where is this variable coming from?

I also have the vue.js file and the BulkAction class as they are in my-blog repository.

I'm facing the same issue also with the $limits variable from the pagination include. Ref:

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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