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Cron jobs

Bryan Nazar   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

How do you setup correctly the cronjob in akaunting? I am hosting my instance in a CentOS VPS?

Marco Bridge   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Check out the scheduling part of the following:

Bryan Nazar   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Recurring Invoices or Bills are not working even in what is happening? 

Lausch   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Hello Bryan, are you sure you run the command at correct time (basically every minute 24/7)?


Refering to my other post:




Susanlgoings   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Hi, I also want to know about its setup. My teacher gave me so much essay work to do, And I am looking for essay geeks review on google, If you know any best site regarding this then please let me know.

Theresa Hutchinson   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

[url label="google"]"]google[/url]
[link: | google]
[link: google]
[link url=]google[/link]
[ google]
[[ google]]
[write your paper for you->]

Fazenda   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

I realized that you had to do everything if you want to be successful. I am currently a post-graduate student while also working full-time. When I need a essay helper , for example, I can receive one without too much effort and on time. This allows me to be more optimistic about the future.

Kyle Cunningham   ( User )

Commented 1 year ago

To set up a cron job in akaunting on CentOS, you need to edit the crontab file of the user that runs akaunting. You can use the command crontab -e to open the file in an editor. Then you need to add a line with the following format:

minute hour day month weekday command

Meeloun Meeloun   ( User )

Commented 8 months ago

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Meeloun Meeloun   ( User )

Commented 8 months ago


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