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Undefined variable: logo on Print Template

Leonardo Gomes   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago


I am trying to create a custom print template copying from the default template. However, When i put the

I am checking the controller "Sales\Invoices" and i don't see nowhere this variable is defined. However, if i activate the default template it works and if i activate my custom it doesn't.

Follow my custom blade file:

@section('title', trans_choice('general.invoices', 1) . ': ' . $invoice->invoice_number)

FACTURE N° 2020/005

Date Facturation: @date($invoice->invoiced_at)

Date d'écheance: @date($invoice->due_at)


{{ setting('') }}

{!! nl2br(setting('company.address')) !!}

@if (setting('company.tax_number'))
{{ trans('general.tax_number') }}: {{ setting('company.tax_number') }}

@if (setting(''))
{{ setting('') }}

{{ setting('') }}

{{ $invoice->contact_name }}

{!! nl2br($invoice->contact_address) !!}


@if ($invoice->contact_tax_number)
{{ trans('general.tax_number') }}: {{ $invoice->contact_tax_number }}


@if ($invoice->contact_phone)
{{ $invoice->contact_phone }}

{{ $invoice->contact_email }}









@foreach($invoice->items as $item)
@include('partials.documents.item.print', ['document' => $invoice])

{{ trans_choice($text_override['items'], 2) }} {{ trans($text_override['quantity']) }} Unité {{ trans($text_override['price']) }} {{ trans('') }}

@if ($invoice->notes)
{{ trans_choice('general.notes', 2) }}

{!! nl2br($invoice->notes) !!}

@foreach ($invoice->totals_sorted as $total)
@if ($total->code != 'total')
@stack($total->code . '_total_tr_start')

@stack($total->code . '_total_tr_end')
@if ($invoice->paid)



{{ trans($total->title) }}: @money($total->amount, $invoice->currency_code, true)
{{ trans('invoices.paid') }}: - @money($invoice->paid, $invoice->currency_code, true)
{{ trans($total->name) }}: @money($total->amount - $invoice->paid, $invoice->currency_code, true)

@if ($invoice->footer)

{!! nl2br($invoice->footer) !!}


Thank if someone can hep!

Leonardo Gomes   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

In case someone has the same Issue. The " $logo " variable is defined by a viewComposer.

On App\Providers\ViewComposer.php, You have a view::Composer([]) and you have to add your new view there.


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