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working example for overriding outputs?

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

I am starting to try and overide some of the outputs.. but running into problems with the docs... Bits seem to be missing like where some of the files are supposed to be.


I was wondering if anyone was willing to fill int he gaps in the docs, or was willing to reply here with a working example?

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Trying to bump this..


running with a clean 1.3.7 zip.. and following the documentation to teh letter (except when teh guidance was missing!)

I set the .env to have debug true and development env

I get 

"Class 'Modules\FooBar\Providers\View' not found"

My Customer View Composer is in \modules\FooBar\Http\ViewComposers\CustomersViewComposer.php


The actual cusotmers view is simply a copy of the base customer view with no changes

I'm assuming its just bad documentation?

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Ah fixed it..


for future visitors..


when you create the module - if you want to override output - you also need to add 

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;

to the top of the FooBar Service provider

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

I spoke too soon.. now it throws

Class Modules\FooBar\Http\ViewComposers\Customers does not exist

it does, but clearly somewhere its not being used

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 5 years ago

Make sure that the namespace of Customers file is correct.

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Well I think it is. it was directly from the example.. and the View composer is in Http/ViewComposers

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

phew.. ok it turned out to be a typo in the boot code


Now the next challenge - how to override the output for invoice printing.. since the path for pringing invoices is '/incomes/invoices/<invoice id>/print it doesn't lend itself to the 'incomes.invoices.print' 

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Or not, the moment I worked out it needed to over-ride incomes.invoices.invoice it failed

Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

code for service provider boot


namespace Modules\FooBar\Providers;


use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory;

use App\Models\Income\Invoice;

use View;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;



class FooBarServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider



     * Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.


     * @var bool


    protected $defer = false;



     * Boot the application events.


     * @return void


    public function boot()







        Log::debug('in FooBar SP boot.');




        ], 'Modules\FooBar\Http\ViewComposers\Invoices');



Bret Watson   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

and view composer (invoice.blade is simply copied from teh default at the moment)



namespace Modules\FooBar\Http\ViewComposers;


use Illuminate\View\View;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;


class Invoices



     * Bind data to the view.


     * @param  View  $view

     * @return mixed


    public function compose(View $view)



        // Override just the 'content' section

        //$view->getFactory()->startSection('content', view('foobar::customers.create'));


        // Override the whole file



        // Push to a stack

        //$view->getFactory()->startPush('scripts', view('foobar::script'));




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