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Akounting shows the wrong amount of owned invoices

Power Quest   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

So I made a shrt video to explain it below. Company base currency is EURO.

I created test invoice in Swedish kronor (which is not respected and reverted back to euro in some cases. So your option of currency is not respected). I also have live currencies installed so the rate is updated frequently. Now if you go to the backboard you can see that if I wrote 10 SEK the system will read that as 10 Euros instead of the corresponding about in Euro. Instead it is dead out wrong. I dont know if this is  bug, bug I guess it seems like it.. Please watch the video and turn on your sound to hear my speak:



Power Quest   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Below some screenshots: 

Invoice in SEK

Overview (Over incomes/expenses/profits):

Customer view:

Incomes vs expenses:

General Ledger:

So as you can see from the screenshots and the video there is defintly something strange doing on and things are not working as they should.


I did reinstall the system twice, each time with new data base and the result is always the same:

1.) The currecnty set is not respected and changed in some case:

2.) The Amount in the currency in not refelcted back correctly in the systems base currency.

3.) The system things that you invoiced them in the base currency even though you invoiced them in and other foreign currecy, in my case i used SEK (Swedish krona). 

Kind regardsPowerQuest

Power Quest   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Wow the forum remvoed all the screenshot!

Here they are again as links:Test customer:


General overview (Expenses/incomes/profits):

Invoices in SEK:

Incomes vs. expenses:

General Ledger:


Kind regards




Power Quest   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

So is this a bug in akounting?

Please advise.



Martin Kirk   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

This might be your issue...

Power Quest   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Thanks Martin I'll take a look at the suggested

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