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CVS. file Import

Ydea   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago


I would like to know if it will be possible to import all my Business history in the Sunrise software from CSV. files.

I've used Slick Pie for 2 years and now they are shutting down the service.

Thank You, V.

Ydea   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

...I meant in Akaunting software...not Sunrise...

Dave Crabory   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

I have spent the last 3 days trying to import a CSV from Waveapps and even Akaunting itself! and it doesnt work. Import and export is broken.
Try exporting data from Akaunting and then importing. Errors etc.
I went thru the process of studying and copying the syntax and format of the sample files, and also exporting data and studying its format, naming order etc and there are so many problems.
So far I have spent over $200 on apps for Akaunting and then I after all this hassle, I started from scratch. Only to find out we cant mark off payments to invoices like I have said in another thread.

Dave Crabory   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

I just wanted to clarify that I'm also aware that a CSV must be converted to MS excel format xls or xlsx. I have also tried good sheets, libre office, changing the format from utf8 to various other formats.

Errors like "invoice_number must be a string" and so I have changed the number to text format.

There was also a similar problem with dates being text and not numbers coming from Waveapps. But even when I corrected all that by trial and error the imports were unsuccessful and timed out.

I have tried re-installing Akaunting on my server and all the time I am testing against the cloud version.

Alex Hammerschmied   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. The import module seems to miss something.
I am no developer so it is difficult to figure out what is missing.
In debug mode is no message tellling me why the imports don't work.

Help would be appreciated.

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