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Hello, i need some help!
I installed Akauting on my hostinger server and set up smtp to send the invoices, it's working.
I'm having trouble with the "forgot my password" page, it does not work. When I type the email and click on send password reset appears the error page "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."
Do I have to enable something on Hostinger or do I have to configure something else in Akauting manually?
Open the file .env and change
Then you will get a better error message that will tell you what exactly the problem is.
sorry for the silly formatting ;)
Hi Frank,
I did what you said and now the following error appears:
ErrorException |
in MailTransport.php line 259 |
at HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons', '/public_html/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/MailTransport.php', 259, array('string' => '[email protected]'))
Well, it is what it says: the function escapeshellcmd has been disabled in the server configuration.
If you have access to php.ini you can enable it by removing it from the variable "disable_functions". If not, you have to contact your hosting provider and ask them to change it or move to a different hosting provider.
Frank, I got in touch with the hosting provide and they informed me that I have to pay for this service to enable this function. Would you know if there would be another alternative to solve this problem? any alternative configuration in akauting?
The problem is, Laravel 5.4 uses Swiftmailer v5.4.x, which uses escapeshellcmd. A newer Version of Swiftmailer (6+) seems to have this fixed, but is incompatible with Laravel 5.4.
I don't know an easy workaround. You could probably modify the code in MailTransport.php, though, if you know what the risk is and how to avoid it.
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