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GST as per India

Santosh Telwane   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Respected Sir,

we would like to know if this feature is available in current accounting system.

1. In India when we sall in same state we have to apply two taxes CGST (Center GST) and SGST (State GST) but when we sell sale product out side state we have to apply IGST

for example if sold in same state CGST is 9% and SGST is 9%
if sold out side own state then IGST 18%

2. Also we need to specify HSN code for each product can we do it?

3. Also would like to know if custom field app can play any role in adding extra require fields. If yes, if woo commerce app sync those new custom fields too, both ways.

4. How variable products from woocommerce gets added in Product in Accounting?


Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 4 years ago


1) Yes, you can add unlimited tax rates to invoice items

2) You use Custom Fields for such a purpose

3) Yes, Custom Fields app adds extra fields but WooCommerce app doesn't import fields. How do you exactly create them?

4) They are added as options/variables if you use the Inventory app. Otherwise, each of them as a separate item.


Santosh Telwane   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

1) I saw that we can select multiple tax on same line item in invoice. But we can not do same in Item master, It will be a pain to add tax on every line item manually as item allow only one tax selection

2) Do you mean to say, If i add HSN code in Items(Products) using custom fields, it will get auto added to Invoice line item when we add a line item or is there another way to achieve the same?

3) We have many fields in woocommerce which are missing in Akunting for e.g. All shipping Address fields, Fields from billing address like city, state, country, postal code. Also there are more custom fields added to billing address and shipping address as well as order for better service to customers, all added using hooks and filters provided by woocommerce and all custom fields are available in exports, lists etc. Now how do we add them as custom fields in Akaunting?
Give them same name when we add them in custom field app?
like for shipping fields

Shipping First Name
Shipping Last Name
Shipping Address 1
Shipping Address 2
Shipping City
Shipping State
Shipping Country

Or any other way to specify it?

4) When I tried last time I saw only main item name added
like for Onion we have 3 variations 250g, 500g, 1kg but it add only one product to items onion and no weight after that, I am totally confused because of it, because we want to use akaunting by all staff and all phone orders will get added in akaunting which will get sync to woocommerce, but if product name does not contain weight then how will it add to woocommerce with proper variation?

Santosh Telwane   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

4) As we don't maintain inventories now we did not purchase Inventory app, will inventory app still create options in inventory if we don't want to maintain inventories for the item (Non Inventory Item) as our purchase is in bulk in tones or kgs and creating packing items from that for each product will be too much of a work for staff as they have to complete job in very short time.

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