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Most relevant changes needed to be made

Samuel Sitton   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

Hello Denis and team in advance thanks for your great work, love the new theme and the box for inputing new items when invoicing is great!! awesome fix with that
also thanks for fixing invoicing using the buying price and not sale price.

but on the other side a few things i have noticed
1st - when invoicing it lets you use the same number of a previous invoice before it would use to give you an error to avoid mistakes, now it dosent.

2nd - also not sure if its a bug or a feature that seems to have been remove?? when adding a new articule cant seem to add a code for it there is no box for that, kinda was really good feature not a most but help full when sorting stuff and made sure there where no double inputs.

3rd - the search bar when in articules, invoices or purchases dosent seem to find anything, dont know whats up with that.

4th - it wont let me change the Invoice Logo on the settings

5th - every time you make an invoice it comes back to the dashboard, before it use to give you the preview where you could mark it received or payments, which turnout to be a little bit of an inconvenience.

6th - when creating a new provider or customer the small page that pops up kinda just gives you and error and it in facts creates the user, but you have to close down the invoice and hit refresh and start all over.

so far thats what i have to give.. thanks in advance!

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