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Multi-User / Multi Company

Mike   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

i would just like to find out if Akaunting will work for my needs? We have developed a Freight System & Allow user to integrate their existing Accounting Systems (Sage / Xero / QB) if we install Akaunting on our Server will this allow our users to each open their own Akaunting Account? or when they register on our system that we can create or include an Akaunting Account for them? We would like to offer this type service for our users to get them away from those system if they want

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 4 years ago

You can create multiple users and assign to multiple companies. Here you can learn more:

Mike   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Hi Denis, Thanks for the response, I have seen those functions, but what i am not sure about is creating companies for different users. so it is not about creating different companies for a user, but creating different companies for different users that have nothing to do with each other

Mike   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

so basically all i am trying to figure out, is that if i install on my server, can i use it for my company accounts and can my friends use the same install to signup and run their own companies that have nothing to do with each other, so each friend only see their own company

Lindajvinci Lindaj   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Howdy Denis, Thanks for the reaction, I have seen those capacities, yet what I don't know about is making organizations for various clients for having a more info related [url=]buy assignment[/url] so there's no need to focus on making various organizations for a client, yet making various organizations for various clients that don't have anything to do with one another

Meeloun Meeloun   ( User )

Commented 8 months ago

与专业的Report代写 合作还可以提升你的写作技巧和学术思维能力。通过阅读优秀的论文和与Report代写专家的交流,你可以借鉴他们的写作经验和学习方法,提升自己的写作能力。

Meeloun Meeloun   ( User )

Commented 8 months ago

与专业的Report代写 合作还可以提升你的写作技巧和学术思维能力。通过阅读优秀的论文和与Report代写专家的交流,你可以借鉴他们的写作经验和学习方法,提升自己的写作能力。

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