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Reconciliations Broke

Mohsin Amer Riaz   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

Reconciliations not working in this version, we used version 1.3.18 before but we had to upgrade to 2.1.9 to use the latest apps, it was not an upgrade but a clean fresh installation of 2.1.9 in a production environment and the financial data was migrated manually by entering it again because we did not want to import and export. When we create a new reconciliation, it shows cleared balance without even us checking the boxes, and when we do, there is no change in cleared balance and overall numbers. They just do not change. It was working the first time but the second time after we "SAVED" the reconciliation and delete it, the balance got stuck, we tried making a new reconciliation and tried every possible way to make it work but it won't. Please help.

Denis Dulici   ( Admin )

Commented 3 years ago


Feel free to share an image/video with the exact numbers.


Mohsin Amer Riaz   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

Here you can get the screenshots, will upload anything requested

Mohsin Amer Riaz   ( User )

Commented 3 years ago

Any update please?

Brett Johnson   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing the same issue, when I create a new reconciliation and specify the date range, closing amount and account, then click transactions, all the transactions appear in the list. At the bottom it shows a cleared total of all the items even though none of the clear check boxes. Checking and/or unchecking the clear checkbox doesn't change the cleared total at all.

Brett Johnson   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

I took a look at the code, and I believe the code is not correct:

if (type[0] == 'income') {
income_total += parseFloat(document.getElementById('transaction-' + type[1] + '-' + type[0]).value);
} else {
expense_total += parseFloat(document.getElementById('transaction-' + type[1] + '-' + type[0]).value);
let transaction_total = income_total - expense_total;
cleared_amount = parseFloat(this.form.opening_balance) + transaction_total;

Based on this logic, the script iterates over the list of transactions, and adds the amount to either Income or Expense totals. Then it adds those two values together as Transactions totals. Finally it subtracts the Transactions totals from the Opening Balance.

At no point does it look at the transactions "Cleared" checkbox to see if the transactions is tagged as cleared. The logic assumes that all transactions in the specified date range are cleared regardless of the "Cleared" checkbox.

I am just staring to learn Laravel / VueJS. I would be happy to come up with a solution, but it may take some time as I am still learning how to develop on this platform. Right now, every time I make a change to a JS resource, I have to manually run "npm run dev" to get the webpack updated. Rather inconvenient in my opinion. I'm sure I just don't have my dev environment setup correctly, but documentation how to setup an integrated dev environment seems to be lacking.

Brett Johnson   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

Forgot to put in the code that gets the initial list of transactions:
let transactions = this.form.transactions;

My guess is that line of code should use a selector to only return transactions that have a corresponding "Cleared" checkbox checked.

Also, in my description above, it should have mentioned "Finally is subtracts the Transactions Total from the Opening Balance and sets it as the "Cleared Total".

Brett Johnson   ( User )

Commented 2 years ago

I just reproduced this on the Akaunting hosted (public) server. I created a new company, created a new transaction (in my case an expense). I then created a new reconciliation and if shows the transaction as cleared regardless of the "Cleared" checkbox.

I tested in both FireFox and Chrome, and both browsers behave the same way.

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