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Hi Akaunting Team,
I've got some issues while installing the akaunting software.
The website is running on latest php/mysql combination and the client access is done by haproxy. Well, if i'm using the page without HTTPS everything is working, but, wenn i'm turning HTTPS on ohny a white page with some textfield appears.
see this screenshot:
as the Browser debugging tells me, that "mixed-content" is trying to be loaded - this means, that some content of the page is trying to be loaded via HTTP and not HTTPS.
are you able to make everything loaded in the same way, the client is requesting the page conent?
THanks a lot,
Make sure the APP_URL is correct in your .env file
Hi Marco,
thanks a lot for your reply.
But - i've changed the APP_URL in the .env file to - but still the same result. I've also reloaded apache, cleared all caches...
Do you have one more hint for me, how i can fix this?
Thanks a lot.
+1 having exactly the same problem.
added APP_URL to my .env file (since it was not there initially) but it didn't change anything. Is there a solution to this meanwhile?
Hi Jonas,
for me right now not really... :( atm i using it only with HTTP.... but it would be a big advantage, if HTTPS would be possible. maybe the akaunting support is able to fix this bug in the code in a sustained way...
It's 10 months after the last post on this matter and the problem still exists. Does anyone at Akaunting not care that you self hosting solution will not work with https?
Or is this an intentional move to force users onto your hosted solution?
Firefox is still telling me images of this site are not secured, what do I need to tweak to fix this for a secure connection to my accounting books?
till now i got no really useful feedback - but i haven't tried any new versions - if there are any updates available.... i was going back to my long time used excel file.... Because with no HTTPS this makes no sense to me.
and yes - i'm a little bit confused, that there is no useful response from any developer from that piece of software.
I encountered the same problem using traefik proxy. Managed to find the solution from Akaunting's doc
Below are the steps I followed to fix the problem
1. Go into the akaunting container:
$ docker exec -it acct_akaunting_1 bash
2. Publish TrustedProxy package
# php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fideloper\Proxy\TrustedProxyServiceProvider"
3.Edit config/trustedproxy.php file (in my case, the full path is /var/www/akaunting/config/trustedproxy.php). Since 'vi' or 'nano' is not available in the docker container, I used 'sed' command to modify the 'proxy' line.
# cat config/trustedproxy.php | sed "s/# 'proxies' => '\*'/'proxies' => '*'/" > /tmp/trustedproxy.php
4. Ensure that the changes made is correct:
# diff config/trustedproxy.php /tmp
< # 'proxies' => '*',
> 'proxies' => '*',
5. Replace the trustedproxy.php file with the modified one
$ mv /tmp/trustedproxy.php config
NOTE: Please ensure that https is used for AKAUNTING_URL in docker-compose.yml file. E.g., - AKAUNTING_URL=https://xxx
Marcos suggestion Worked for me. updating the .env file in the akaunting installation root folder.
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 discussions