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Update not working? Is there a manual way?

Erez Zabusky   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

Your help is greatly appreciated. Update button does not work. (DEBUG below) Is there a way of manually updating and copying the database across? does anyonw have a fix or detailed proceedure?

..Orange button on update screen shows "Update Akaunting to 0.0.0 version" I am currently on 1.27 would like to go to 1.29.









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Grasia Primardhika   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Backup first, if you haven't done so. Extract the new version dont upload to your server yet. Look for database changes in /database/migrations, notice how the filenames are in date format? find the file with filename that correspond with the new Akaunting version (eg. for the 1.2.10 release the corresponding file are 2018_06_23_000000_modify_email_column.php) easiest way is by comparing the /database/migrations folder content of the version currently running on your server vs the new version. Open the file(s) to view the changes and apply it to your database after that just upload the extracted files to your server overwriting the previous version. If anyone has other method please share, thank you.  

Erez Zabusky   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Thanks Grasia,

Followed above and change the tables as per additional file however received the error:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1022 Can't write; duplicate key in table '#sql-15621_a' (SQL: alter table `uth_user_roles` add constraint `user_roles_role_id_foreign` foreign key (`role_id`) references `uth_roles` (`id`) on delete cascade on update cascade)



Emilio   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

What is the change in the database? I still do not discover it. please I could not update it automatically either .. there must be some other manual way


Erez Zabusky   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hi Emilio,

As Grasia mentioned, if you download and extract the new files and compare the directory /database/migration in the new file set to the same directory in your current installation, you will discover new files. Opening these files will reveal the changees required and in which table. For instance between 1.2.7 and 1.2.9 the only new file 2018_06_23_000000_modify_email_column.php . If you open it then you will see something like this: 

Schema::table('customers', function (Blueprint $table) {



Which means you need to make the column 'email' in table 'customers' nullable. You can do this in sql with this command: alter table sm5_customers modify email varchar(191) null;

Then continue making changes to all other tables as specified in the file and so on..


The issue I have is that there seems to be a prefix to each table for example for me its "sm5_" however when the files are copied and services restarted, a new prefix is added, likewise when recovering from backup.sql new prefix added hence above error. Might just be me... but not sure how to overcome it...yet.

Below references will help you: (always make sure you backup)


Erez Zabusky   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Hey just following up.... does anyone have any ideas? Also is there anyone else seeing this in the update section of the GUI? any ideas how to actually fix?


An updated version of Akaunting is available.   Update Akaunting to 0.0.0 version   Changelog



Name Category Installed Version Latest Version Actions
OfflinePayment payment-gateways 1.0.0 0.0.0  Update
PaypalStandard payment-gateways 1.0.0 0.0.0  Update

Update screen

Emilio   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago

Exact! that's what I see when wanting to update the application. And I do not see any solution around here for the forum. The manual update is not easy for everyone.

Thanks in advance

Nicolas Holmes   ( User )

Commented 5 years ago

this is an error not actual an update can you go from 0

Zeeshan Javed   ( User )

Commented 4 years ago

Hello, I can help with upgrade, migration and backup of your akaunting software and database to any new server or cloud instance, for details email me at : [email protected]

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