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Upgrading from 1.1.15 to 1.2 problem with old data

Sebastian Di Luise   ( User )

Commented 6 years ago


I have just updated within the Akaunting app clicking the button to v1.2, seems it finished right.

I tried then to modify an old Expense from Expenses, Bills clicking on at least 3 bills I test, brings whoops number 1)

Also brings the whoops number 2) clicking on Expenses, Vendors on any vendor that already has a bill.  The others that dont opens right with the new summary (lovely summary)


Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
(4/4) ErrorException

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'akaunting-casasarg-old.gp1_recurring' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `gp1_recurring` where `gp1_recurring`.`recurable_id` = 82 and `gp1_recurring`.`recurable_id` is not null and `gp1_recurring`.`recurable_type` = App\Models\Expense\Bill and `gp1_recurring`.`deleted_at` is null and `gp1_recurring`.`company_id` = 1 limit 1) (View: /var/www/akaunting-casasarg-old/resources/views/expenses/bills/show.blade.php)
in Connection.php line 647
at CompilerEngine->handleViewException(object(QueryException), 1)in PhpEngine.php line 44
at PhpEngine->evaluatePath('/var/www/akaunting-casasarg-old/storage/framework/views/795f755a17f6f6c31fd1b37c80261deea8dced11.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'bill' => object(Bill), 'accounts' => object(Collection), 'currencies' => array('ARS' => 'Pesos', 'USD' => 'Dólar EEUU'), 'account_currency_code' => 'ARS', 'vendors' => object(Collection), 'categories' => object(Collection), 'payment_methods' => array('' => 'Cash', 'offlinepayment.bank_transfer.2' => 'Bank Transfer'), 'date_format' => 'd M Y'))in CompilerEngine.php line 59
at CompilerEngine->get('/var/www/akaunting-casasarg-old/resources/views/expenses/bills/show.blade.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'bill' => object(Bill), 'accounts' => object(Collection), 'currencies' => array('ARS' => 'Pesos', 'USD' => 'Dólar EEUU'), 'account_currency_code' => 'ARS', 'vendors' => object(Collection), 'categories' => object(Collection), 'payment_methods' => array('' => 'Cash', 'offlinepayment.bank_transfer.2' => 'Bank Transfer'), 'date_format' => 'd M Y'))in View.php line 137
at View->getContents()in View.php line 120
at View->renderContents()in View.php line 85
at View->render()in Response.php line 38
at Response->setContent(object(View))in Response.php line 201
at Response->__construct(object(View))in Router.php line 615
at Router->prepareResponse(object(Request), object(View))in Router.php line 572
at Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(object(Request))in Pipeline.php line 30



 (2/2) ErrorException

Trying to get property of non-object (View: /var/www/akaunting-casasarg-old/resources/views/expenses/vendors/show.blade.php)
in d12508bacd94e3b07a2c7e0dbcdc84bd37edc329.php line 133
at CompilerEngine->handleViewException(object(ErrorException), 1)in PhpEngine.php line 44
at PhpEngine->evaluatePath('/var/www/akaunting-casasarg-old/storage/framework/views/d12508bacd94e3b07a2c7e0dbcdc84bd37edc329.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'vendor' => object(Vendor), 'counts' => array('bills' => 1, 'payments' => 0), 'amounts' => array('paid' => 15000.0, 'open' => 0, 'overdue' => 0), 'transactions' => object(LengthAwarePaginator), 'date_format' => 'd M Y'))in CompilerEngine.php line 59
at CompilerEngine->get('/var/www/akaunting-casasarg-old/resources/views/expenses/vendors/show.blade.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'vendor' => object(Vendor), 'counts' => array('bills' => 1, 'payments' => 0), 'amounts' => array('paid' => 15000.0, 'open' => 0, 'overdue' => 0), 'transactions' => object(LengthAwarePaginator), 'date_format' => 'd M Y'))in View.php line 137
at View->getContents()in View.php line 120
at View->renderContents()in View.php line 85
at View->render()in Response.php line 38
at Response->setContent(object(View))in Response.php line 201
at Response->__construct(object(View))in Router.php line 615
at Router->prepareResponse(object(Request), object(View))in Router.php line 572



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