Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, General Ledger, Trial Balance
Manage stock, warehouses, groups, variants, adjustments, transfer orders
Organize tasks, work with teams, track the time, and deliver on milestones
Create multiple pay calendars, and run payroll with print-ready payslips
Track every step of your customer journey, manage leads, pipelines
Expense Claims
Manage, review, and approve employee expenses on the go
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Dear Akaunting Team, I have just updated to 2.0.7 and below is my result: ErrorException: Translator does not implement Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface and Symfony\Component\Tra...
verdiyon 2.0.6 için hangi php versiyonunu destekliyorsunuz? şuan 7.1.33 kullanıyorum, daha düşüklerini de bunun üzerine 7.2.28 ve 7.3.15 versiyonunuda denedim olmadı.
There i am facing problem while deleting invoice
Selam, InvoiceUpdated event'i icin bir listener olusturdum, bu islemi background'da yapmasini istedigim icin ShouldQueue interface'ini implement ettim. Fakat baslikta belirttigim hatayi aliyorum s...
Hi, I have installed Xampp. and when trying to extract it from localhost it gives me error as "Your host needs to use PHP 7.2.0 or higher to run Akaunting" Please guide what needs to be done. ...
Dear who has ease with my question, is there a possiblity to allow a restricted users (par example a user with the default role Manager) to edit there own profile? WIth Akaunting 2.0.6 there is no ...
Why can't we just cancel an invoice? What if I issue an invoice and after that the customer cancels the order? How I am suppose to keep track of that? I mean if I'm not able to mark the invoice as can...
Olá gente. Estou usando a versão nova do Akaunting (2.0.6). Além dos muitos bugs do programa, vi que está com alguns problemas de tradução também. Como o nome dos meses. Consigo fazer alguma...
I would like to know how can I change the date format from yyyy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yyyy? I already tried to change using the setting in localisation tab, but seems not be work. Independent from what I use...
I just tried to install Akaunting on my web server and following the instructions on the Installation page I had the following issues - "Server 500 error" - I fixed this buy changing permissions on ...
Showing 2411 to 2420 of 4181 discussions