Small Business Loan Calculator

Before taking out a loan to start or grow a business, it is important to have the necessary information required to make decisions that could help or hinder your financial success. Know how much you need, the monthly payments and duration required.

Not sure what a suitable interest rate for your business would be?

The Akaunting business loan calculator will help you get a better picture of the cost required to start up your own business enterprise. Adjust the terms and add extra repayments to see how much of an impact this could have on your estimate payback amount.

Loan information

Enter your loan information

Loan details

You can see how much your loan will cost
  • Monthly Payment

  • Average Monthly Interest

  • Total Interest

  • Number of Months

  • Total Borrowing Cost

To borrow --- over a --- term your monthly payment will be --- at an interest rate of ---.

Frequently asked questions